Most complete solution for SMT stencils

Laser cutting has been the favored method of producing SMT stencils.

You might want to

  • insource the SMT stencil production for more flexibility,
  • extent your stencil shop to a new branch,
  • extent your production service scope to SMT stencils.

Here you find the complete, but flexible and affordable solution for your stencil business.

Beside the core process of laser cutting the package includes inspection, marking and surface treatment.

StencilMat M3- the working horse

Based on our rich experience in precision laser micromachines StencilMat M3 got all a real working horse for stencil cutting needs: speed, precision, durability, and ease of operation.

It comes with the unrivaled CAM package for stencil data preparation CircuitCAM Version 7 and the DreamCreaTor operation software. Its large working area covers all standard SMT stencil formats.

StencilMat M3

StencilAutoLine- the time saver

StencilAutoLine extents the StencilMat M3 to a complete production center.

Without a human touch, stencils get conveyed from the stencil laser to the extension modules for further processing. The results are ready-made and salable SMT stencils.

Make sure, your stencils underwent a 100% quality control and got repaired automatically!

Mark your stencil automatically with an QR code for traceability!

Improve the stencil surface for better printing results!

laser marker module
Stencil cleaning module
Stencil cleaning module

The complete production center comes with a CE declaration, verified by an international certification body.